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System Requirements for TabIt:
  • Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, Me, or 98
  • Recommended: Pentium II-class processor or better
  • Recommended: 32MB RAM or more
  • Recommended: 800x600 resolution or higher

What's new in version 2.03?

Download TabIt version 2.03 (661 KB, self-installing)

The trial version of TabIt can be downloaded for evaluation by clicking the above link.

Registered users: If you have an earlier version and would like to upgrade, go to the Registered Users section of our site instead.

Summary of Changes in 2.0

Haven't been following the development of 2.0? Some of the major new features include:

Complete Revision History

Changes in TabIt version 2.03:

Changes in TabIt version 2.02:

Changes in TabIt version 2.01:

Changes in TabIt version 2.0 final:

Changes in TabIt version 2.0-beta-2:

Changes in TabIt version 2.0-beta-1: